Monday, February 24, 2014

Gotta Get This App - Geoboard!

Can we just bond for a moment, as elementary school teachers, about the HORROR that is geoboards?!?!?!

Honestly. I get it... they're great... hands-on learning and all that good stuff... but the rubberbands fly everywhere, and they snap on the kids' fingers, kids are stealing them and you're taking them away from kids for days afterwards... ugh.

This app is the saving grace... Geoboard!

It does exactly what that physical geoboard does - gives you pegs and VIRTUAL (thank god!) rubberbands that you can stretch into shapes.

You can also switch between a small square geoboard and a large rectangular one.

Another cool benefit: you can fill in the shape that you make on the geoboard with a color.

How did I use this app?

My students were learning about area of unusual shapes. We would make the shape on the virtual geoboard, and then use the red rubberbands to trace the individual squares, so they could see how the squares were split in half (or rectangles split in half) and add up the pieces to find the total area.

Go Get This App! ;)

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