Friday, October 26, 2012

Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers!

Happy Friday, friends!

I love Roald Dahl. His books are so creative and so fun, for kids (and adults!) of all ages.

When I first started teaching, my mom suggested that I start out the year with The BFG by Roald Dahl as my first read aloud. She said it's funny, the kids love it, and it's a great way to start out the year - great advice! What a great mom. :)

Last year, after reading the BFG, my class had won a reward for showing good behavior, so we made it into a BFG movie-watching party, complete with Frobscottle. (I made sure to tell them that this frobscottle would NOT make them whizzpop!)

(I got the movie off of Amazon...

After we finished the novel my first year, I developed some extension activities using The BFG as inspiration. I focused on creative writing, so all the options for their extension project include writing to some extent, but in different forms. The kids have really gotten into it every year!

Some of the activities include creating their own giant to fit in with the story, retelling the story (or parts of the story) from the perspective of a different character, or inventing dreams and their labels for the BFG's jar. Another one is to use the fun made-up words that the BFG uses and give them definitions based on how the BFG uses them.

Guess where you can find not only the description of the projects, but all the materials you need to have your students complete the projects AND a rubric to grade them?

What a day. I'm excited for the weekend! :) 


1 comment:

  1. Love this! BFG is one of my favorites. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing! :)
